Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Wandering Eye...

I had a reader ask me yesterday to pose a question to the group. So here goes:

She wants me to ask the family how a woman should take guys that are in serious relationships that say they love their significant other yet look at other females. Is this ok? Is it cheating? Does it mean they don't love you? How should we females handle that situation?

Here is my opinion..
My husband loves me. I do not doubt this for a second. Does he look at other females. YES. Is this ok..Sure is. Is it cheating? NOPE. Does this mean he doesn't love me? NOPE. How should we handle it. Nothing to handle.

He's human and has eyes. As long as he isn't disrespecting me by breaking his neck to check some other chick out while I am standing there it's all good. Heck there have been times I've told him that girl's boob  is about to pop out of her shirt WATCH.. Can I be mad at him if he looked NO I just told him to. I'm secure enough in myself to know that if he looks at a random girl it doesn't mean anything. I'm also secure enough to know that if he ends up pursuing any other random chick he is NOT the man for me & it's time to move on.
Besides the question I must ask a woman before they get worked up over a man looking... Have you ever looked at another man. Even if it is just for a split second. Even if it meant nothing???

In my opinion if him looking at another woman bothers you this can mean one of two things. Either you the woman has some insecurities about yourself OR you don't trust him that it will end at just him looking at another female.You feel that for whatever reason he may one day take it further & disrespect. In which case you have no relationship...

Again this is just my opinion but I am curious to see what you all have to say about it...



Randy S. said...

I'm 100% with you_this is not a man thing_its a human thing_we all do_woman and man_some more than others but we all do.
As long as you are not staring or disrespection your significant other with the action I feel it's okay. Doesn't take away how your significant other feels about you or if you are the one doing_doesnt take away how you feel about your significant other.
Again, it's only a problem when you stare and try to eat that other person with your eyes_where you are looking for that eye contact_other than that it's all good!

Powerz said...

To add, fellas, even if your girl is that cool, if your is very darkskin.......don't stare at the next chick saying how much you love her lightskinnedness!

Annamaria said...

The same way you shouldn't talk about how oiled up & nice someone's skin looks in a movie...LOL

Powerz said...

Exactly Missy or with a certain tone as if they were a piece of chicken!

Annamaria said...

LMFAO. I did not use any tone... .. you started with your secret light skinded obsession...LOL

Serena W. said...

I agree with you Annamaria. When I am in a relationship I always tell people I'm human and alive! So yes I'll look. As long as that partner doesn't over step their boundaries. If the person has a lot of insecurities in their relationship they should talk about it with their partner. Otherwise they will go crazy every time he is looking at someone.

Just my two cents!

yahoo.com said...

I love this topic. Thank you!!! I love what Serena had to say. It depends on the relationship and why this person feels insecure. What does the significant other has done or keeps doing to make her/him feel a certain way. In some cases communication is good between the couple but in my situation it has happened to me I have said how I feel and he didnt feel he was doing anything wrong and I am talking about breaking neck and staring a glance is healthy we all do that. And he denied it point blank. This created a trust issue and a question what does he do when I am not around? Will he act on it? But than again I really cared for this person. So IDK I guess we all deal with this issue there will always be some one better looking than we are its about what we have to offer as a package. Like Anna Maria says if he acts on it than he isn't the man for me.It was interesting reading what the guys had to say I was surprised and didn't think you would get the response that you got...