Tuesday, November 8, 2011

I do....

Good Morning Everyone,

Although it's my day off and I have something that I need to get done I'm taking a break to write my blog. Yesterday we had one work Mondays and the word was marriage. A few of your gave your opinions of what marriage meant to you. Now normally I give my input but I just stepped back for a minute. Kim K decided (whether consciously or not) to make a mockary of the institution of marriage. My opinion couldn't be described in one or two words.
Til death do you part..
This is the vow you take when you get married. Better or worse. Sickness and health. Richer or Poorer... Unfortunately people get caught up in the dress, party and fun of the whole event they ignore or don't really think about these vows. When you marry you not only vow to be with that person ONLY for the rest of your life. You are both taking a commitment to be there for each other at all times, and to support & love each other at all times. It's not easy. There are going to be days when you disagree and there are going to be days when you fight. You may love each other forever but there are sure going to be days you don't like each other. Heck I've only been married for less than 4 months and even I know this. No matter how life was before you said I do things do change when you get married and especially when you have kids & there is an adjustment period and you learn as you go along. The point of marriage is to promise to learn & grow together. At the end of the day I feel that this decision should not be entered into lightly. You need to think about it carefully. And work together. Talk as much as you can about everything and if you are having problems take a step back, a deep breath & seek the help of a marriage counselor or therapist.


Anonymous said...



"Though it may sometimes be treated as such, marriage is more than a check on a Things To Do List, a sparkling ring, or a ceremonious two-step victory dance down an aisle. It’s actually all the stuff that happens the next day, and the day after, and Lord willing and the creek don’t rise, all the rest of the days of your life. It’s a commitment to be taken seriously and entered into with the right person AND at the right time." - Demetria Lucas

Randy S. said...

I'm with you 100% but Kim K. Didn't do anything wrong. She probably went in with all good intentions into it; but as many of us know it's wonderful when we are having fun but when shit gets serious some people shift gears and don't comply to what they commit to.
I actually giver her props for not putting up an act just cause she didn't want people to bad mouth her. Being in an unhealthy relationship is no fun so why prolong. The thought was beautiful but the reality sucked so she BOUNCED! Now she will come running to PaPa Randy!! LOL

Annamaria said...

@Foodie..Love the quote..

@Randy-ummm sit and wait for her all you want.
I disagree with you slightly. Although her intentions may have been on the right track she didn't fully invest in her marriage. She never had any time alone with her hubby, it was all about tv and the paparazzi. She never wanted a life with just her & husband. And that's wrong cuz if all else fails all you have is each other. She was willing to be with him as long as it didn't disrupt HER wants & desires & life and as long as he did what she and her mama wanted him to do. Every time he opened his mouth even when planning the wedding he basically got told to shut up. And that is definitely the wrong approach. When you get married it stops being about ME & starts being about WE.. you can have dreams and desires & be driven but its something that needs to be addressed with your partner.

Brooke said...

What do you think the biggest change has been since you got married?

Annamaria said...

Adjusting to being someones wife and while still being yourself. I've made such a conscious effort (more since June) on being a good wife and good mother that I sometimes forget myself and my needs. My body is starting to let me know I need to take care of me better...and my husband is starting to realize that I'm human and need to rely on him... I have a problem asking for help and I guess now I know I have to.

Brooke said...

I've always been curious how people view marriage differently than when they date or live together. I guess the title really does carry some weight!

Annamaria said...

Yep it does! Lol

Brooke said...

I guess actually going thru with it is what makes it real...and you can't just bolt when things get rough. While I do agree that people shouldn't remain in a bad marriage, something tells me Kim K was all about the stunt and not really in it for love. I hate to judge, but that entire spectacle was ridiculous.

Annamaria said...

Exactly... and although I do believe in closure I find it ridiculous that you will make the effort to go sit with him and your pastor for 4 hours AFTER you file for divorce but you won't do it before in an effort to save your marriage.