Tuesday, August 9, 2011

I would leave my mate if......

For those of us in relationships OR single people there are always deal breakers. Things your significant other can do that would make you leave them. The other day I was listening to the radio & they were talking to people who left their mates because they had gained weight. This seemed a lil shallow to me but hey to each their own right?? Now this blog will be dedicated to the shallow part.. We've all heard about the cheating and beating.. BUT what if your mate gained weight? Or lost weight? or got nose job.. Or did something to alter their physcial appearance.. What would your dealbreaker be???

What would make you say I would leave my mate if.........


Aisha G of HartlynKids said...

The only non substantive thing I would leave a spouse for might be smoking cigarettes. Seriously.... Im not sure I could live with a smoker!

Annamaria said...

That's a good one... I agree I couldn't live with one either.. Especially since I am asthmatic.. LOL I'd die.. LITERALLY

Anonymous said...

I would leave my mate if I found out he was unfaithful to me. If he gains weight I wouldn't leave I would find a positive way to hep him and encourage him to loose the weight. I think leaving him for anything related to his personal appearance has a solution after all I am in love with him and fell in love with him for a reason other than what he looks like. However he does not like heavy woman go figure...

Brooke said...

I'd leave my mate if he gave me an STD or was some sort of addict - alcohol or drugs or a severe gambler or something like that. Leaving him for infidelity or abuse is a given.

I agree with Aisha though, I can't date a smoker. I love to kiss, and smokers have the worst breath. And I can't watch someone hurt themselves.

FoodieMouth said...

Great question to post!

You should answer it too, COÑO!

You ain't slick ;-)

I’d leave him for a flew of reasons and some are superficial too.

Hey…why front ;-)

Annamaria said...

OK OK OK I'll answer..LOL

I couldn't live with a smoker or anyone that was into the non showering grunge scene..LOL

I also would leave my mate if he contracted some STD (HOW DAT HAPPEN??LOL) and if he became some sort of addict.

Other than that I have no superficial issues that I feel would cause me to leave my hubby.. :)

Randy S. said...

Hi PEPS....I think some of us missed the point....The blog was dedicated to shallow part in us.

With that said, I would leave my mate if she lost her curves and her sex appeal. If in my eyes she became the tipical girl from around the way which did NOTHING for me I think i would have to walk away. And only say that because I would hate to notice every other girl more than i notice her.