As you all know I recently got married. I am very happy in my relationship and have been so for quite some time. But as I was discussing with some friends on Friday evening relationships are hard work. Marriage is probably the hardest job I've ever accepted. Throw kids into it and it makes it that much more difficult. As a wife there is a constant struggle to get everything done at home, with the kids, at work & then focus on your husband. As much as most of us don't want to admit it once in a while something gets neglected. And as much as we really hate to admit it most of the time its our husbands. I made a secret promise to myself on my wedding day as I got dressed to invest in my marriage & not neglect my husband. I figured that if I put in the work I'd get that much more out of it. As I was discussing with my friends its not soo much about having problems but you want your mate to want you & desire you just as much as you want & desire them. Sometimes the simplest of gestures can accomplish that. One thing my husband & I try to do at LEAST once a month is date night. We get a babysitter, get dressed up & go out. We do dinner, movies, a bar, a club, we've even gone to a cigar bar to have a cigar & a glass of wine. We try to make things different each time. During all the other times or when we can't find a babysitter we put the baby to sleep & have date night in the living room. Break open a bottle of wine. Turn off all the lights & cuddle on the couch watching a movie.
Now in my discussion on Friday we touched on two suggestions that I hadn't put a lot of thought into but are now sounding really good to me. Counseling & retreats. One wife talked about how her & husband were going to start going to a marriage counselor that a friend recommended. I wondered if she was having problems in her marriage. Almost instantly she said no we're going to prevent problems. We're going to learn more about each other and how to develop our relationship deeper... (SOMEONE SIGN ME and another one spoke about a marriage retreat. This is one weekend a year that her & her husband go away on a marital retreat to get in touch with each other & reconnect. AGAIN a great idea..
So now blog family since my quick conversation sparked a few great ideas on how to invest in a long happy marriage what ideas do you have to keep things interesting? What work do you and your mate put in? Is there anything that you have wanted to try that you haven't?
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