So this morning when my husband & I were driving into work the radio was talking about a woman in France who sued her now ex-husband and won $14,000. WHY you ask...
She was awarded $14k due to her husband not giving it up enough and when he did it wasn't satisfying enough for her.
Now I have NOOO clue how one would even prove this but hey she won so she must have had some damn good evidence. Also the normal stereotype is that the WOMEN are always the ones holding out & not giving it up & being boring. A man is always quick to say if you won't do it another woman will. So it was a wonderfully refreshing change to hear of a woman's needs and desires being acknowledged. WE NEED IT TOO & WE NEED IT TO BE GOOD. :-)
Again I understand we work hard, kids, etc etc etc but if after working, cooking, and dealing with the kids a woman can still say LET'S GO. Then baby you better handle your business... After all if you don't do it.......
So what say you bloggers?? How long is TOO long to go without it? Do you think women should be compensated if we don't get it frequently? Consequently would a man be able to sue if he doesn't get it often enough?
I'm curious to know how they determined what was "enough" and how "good" it was. How much sex and how good sex is is such a relative thing.
Personally, I'd like sex at least once a day, but I'm sure some would say that's excessive by their own standards. Introduce kids, work, etc. into the picture and I'm sure the frequency and quality can diminish greatly.
I need to hear more about this story!
I have NO idea how they judged any of this OR how thye came up with the amount she got, etc etc...BUT frankly I want to hear more myself. LMAO
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