Tuesday, September 13, 2011


Listening to the radio this morning as I do on my way to work every morning the talk show hosts began talking about Kris Humphries. Apparently ever since his oh so lavishly fake (my opinion..LOL) wedding to Kim Kardashian he has not worn his wedding ring. Numerous photos have been taken of him & without his wedding band... The radio personalities argued back & forth as to what could possibly be the reason for him not wanting to wear it & if this was appropriate. They had a bunch of women call in to give different "reasons" as to why their husbands don't wear their rings. A few said since their husbands don't wear their wedding bands they stopped wearing them also.
Now I do not believe two wrongs make a right so I wouldn't stop wearing my wedding bands JUST because my husband stopped wearing his. But I would also have a problem with my husband not wearing his wedding band. I wouldn't care if his ring finger got chopped of in an accident. I would get him a prosthetic finger & slap that bad boy right back on their.
Extreme maybe but that ring is a symbol of the commitment & the vows we took with one another. Granted some people argue that when you have a ring on it may make members of the opposite sex more attracted to you. And in some cases this is true. But in my opinion the rings aren't about other people they are about us.

SO Blog family.. How do you all feel about wedding rings? Do you think they are necessary? Do you think they should be worn at all times?


Anonymous said...

The ring thing is overrated!

FoodieMouth said...

To each its own. What other people do in their relationships doesn't bother me BUT I agree with you. My future husband wearing his ring and me wearing mine is a must and important to me.

Don't start none, there won't be none, Coño!

Brooke said...

Some men and women just aren't "jewelry people." I know men who have never worn a piece of jewelry in their lives, so a wedding band would take some getting used to - but if their wives don't mind, then I say to each his own.

My brother in law doesn't wear his ring every day because it gets dirty in his line of work - and my sister doesn't care. She wears her rings (yes, she has more than ONE wedding ring) faithfully. All that matters to her is that her man in faithful, a great husband and a wonderful father. Rings don't make you those things, your character does...just like her rings don't make her a great wife and mother.

I think some people put too much emphasis on the ring and the wedding rather than the marriage. I agree that if the rings are a symbol of your commitment to each other, then they should be worn if they were purchased for that reason. But my husband not wearing a ring all the time would only bother me if I felt he was being "too selective" with it - like not wearing it to functions or the gym as opposed to NEVER wearing it. But if I suspect he's being shady, we have bigger problems than a ring.

Serena W. said...

I know my Papa didn't wear his ring and my grandparents were married 53 years before he passed away. The love was there and to me that's what is most important. He just wasn't a jewelry person. Now my grandmother is the opposite. She loves wearing her rings and she said the day she doesn't wear her's any longer is when she dies.

I do think it is a conversation that the couple needs to have so no one is hurt and offended in case the other doesn't want to wear his ring.

As for me...I love jewelry so I will proudly rock mine. But the important thing is to have the foundation and love. No sense in wearing a piece of gold and there is no foundation at all.

Just my 5 cents :)

Annamaria said...

I agree it's only a piece of jewelry & will not make the person a better spouse. BUT F that my husband better not take that ring off or I will have to cement it to his finger!!! LMAO..
I totally understand the work thing. My bosses husband is a mechanic so she got him a plain gold band for work so it gets dirty all day every day & he wears his real wedding band when he isn't at work. Not being a jewelry person is not an excuse because before you get married you aren't a husband/wife either! LOL
@Brooke I agree with you about the being shady when you wear your ring comment. That's cause for a tasing.
Our rings were included in our wedding vows, they were part of our ceremony so to me they do mean something.

Aisha G of HartlynKids said...

I think it only matters if it bothers the other spouse. I personally want us to wear rings so if he rejected that it would bother me